Barbara Leeds
- West Coast Songwriters: International Song Contest, 2015
- Honorable Mention, Miscellaneous
"Sounds of the Season"
- West Coast Songwriters: International Song Contest, 2011
- Honorable Mention, Miscellaneous
"A Present for Santa Claus"
- West Coast Songwriters: International Song Contest, 2010
- Honorable Mention, Miscellaneous
- "Down at the Mall"
- ARPC Limerick Contest, 1998
- Three of five unranked prizes
- Arizona Author’s Association National Literary Contest,
- Honorable Mention, Poetry
- Poems of the Heart Contest, 1987
- Honorable Mention
- Foster City Writer’s Contest, 1986
- First Prize, Humor
"How to Grow Ketchup"
- Bay Area Poets Coalition Contest, 1986
- First Honorable Mention
- Southern California Poet’s Pen Contest, 1986
- Special Recognition
- Foster City Writer’s Contest, 1985
- First Prize, Poetry
- John David Johnson Poetry Competition, 1985
- Honorable Mention
- Outstanding Toastmaster Award, 1997
- Toastmaster of the Year (Talking Heads Toastmasters)
- Interpretive Reading Contest, 1997
- First Prize (Talking Heads Toastmasters)
Third Prize (District 4 Toastmasters)
- Interpretive Reading Contest, 1996
- One of three unranked prizes (South Bay Qualifying Contest)
Third Prize (District 4 Toastmasters)
- Tall Tales Contest, 1996
- First Prize (Talking Heads Toastmasters)
Third Prize (Area G3 Toastmasters)
- Humorous Speech Contest, 1995
- First Prize (Talking Heads Toastmasters)
Third Prize (Area G3 Toastmasters)
- Tall Tales Contest, 1995
- First Prize (Talking Heads Toastmasters)
First Prize (Area G3 Toastmasters)
Third Prize (Division G Toastmasters)