Barbara Leeds > Samples >
The purpose of this document is to clarify differences in web style specification between Cascading Style Sheets (CSS1) and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML 4). The scope is limited to common stylistic effects and non-intuitive syntax differences.
You may specify stylistic effects using either:
Description | CSS Stylesheet Syntax | HTML Syntax |
General Information | ||
Rule format | selector {property: value;} | <element attribute=value> |
<value> | ||
Rule example | td {background-color: pink;} | <td bgcolor="pink"> |
Rule application | All occurrences of selector | This occurrence of element |
Comment | /*comment*/ | <!--comment--> |
Some Rules | ||
Alignment: horizontal | selector {text-align: value;} | <element align=value> |
Alignment: vertical | selector {vertical-align: value;} | <element valign=value> |
Color: active link | a:active {color: value;} | <body alink=value> |
Color: background | selector {background-color: value;} | <element bgcolor=value> |
Color: text | selector {color: value;} | <font color=value> |
<body text=value> | ||
Color: unvisited link | a:link {color: value;} | <body link=value> |
Color: visited link | a:visited {color: value;} | <body vlink=value> |
Space inside border | selector {padding: value;} | <table cellpadding=value> |
Space outside border | selector {margin: value;} | <table cellspacing=value> |
Space outside border: bottom | selector {margin-bottom: value;} | (not available) |
Space outside border: left | selector {margin-left: value;} | <body leftmargin=value> (IE) |
<body marginwidth=value> (NN) | ||
Space outside border: right | selector {margin-right: value;} | (not available) |
Space outside border: top | selector {margin-top: value;} | <body topmargin=value> (IE) |
<body marginheight=value> (NN) | ||
Type appearance: bold | selector {font-weight: bold;} | <b> |
Type appearance: italic | selector {font-style: italic;} | <i> |
Type face | selector {font-family: value1, ... valuen;} | <font face=value1, ... valuen> |
Type size | selector {font-size: value;} | <font size=value> |
You may derive CSS inline style syntax from CSS stylesheet syntax:
Description | CSS Stylesheet Syntax | CSS Inline Style Syntax |
Rule format | selector {property: value;} | <selector style="property: value;"> |
Rule example | td {background-color: pink;} | <td style="background-color: pink;"> |
Rule application | All occurrences of selector | This occurrence of selector |
Proper stylesheet functioning requires:
This document appeared for many years
on the Silicon Valley WebGuild website., 8-17-2006 |